Our Mission
It is currently unclear where parents or individuals should go to learn more about the inter-relation and connection of tethered ties across the 5 areas of fascia, breathing, sleep, the nervous system, and nursing-birth.This documentary aims to help increase agency for every parent, practitioner, and wellness provider who views it – to better advocate for their children and themselves and know more about the various perspectives, resources and support available to them.
Every year, there is an increase of Ankyloglossia in the USA. The rise may highlight concerns about health and wellness of infants and the impact of oral tethered ties, sleep apnea, neurodevelopment, and breathing and airway restrictions – no child should have to grow up forever compensating. (Please note that these are not presented as mutually exclusive and in fact the sections do integrate and thoughtfully connect as best possible.)
Science is continuously progressing and we hope the information provided here today helps as many families as possible to increase their wellbeing.
Panel of Experts
Thank you to our contributors
- Founder, Co-Anchor, & Researcher
- Co-Anchor & Researcher
- Director of Documentary
Olympic athletes, sprinters; those who are winning are breathing through their noses.
These fascia help the muscles communicate and work with each other to move your body as a unit.
The further we get into this hole, the worse it gets. If we can't get out of that, we can't change anything, and that's a massive hole to get out of.
The beautiful thing in doing this is; we learn things that we've never learned in dental school, and the other professions learn things they never learned in their professional school, and now we're just learning so much more.
The feeling you get when you make a difference in just one patient, or when you look at something and say: yes, because of me that doctor changed their behavior, or this hospital changed the way they do billing or the way they manage a diabetic patient - that feeling, you cannot get it anywhere else.
I very much value teamwork. And I think that we have to be cogniscient that I'm one piece of this puzzle... This is just a procedure, and there's a process--there's a relearni
There are extreme forces that babies go through... the cranium moves in many different ways in order to protect the baby, and it doesn't go back into the right alignment all by itself.
I mean I was 21 and it got me interested in, oh, maybe there are other ways of approaching medicine and illness than the way we, in America, do.
When we have the best team, we get the best outcome.
It may be common, but does not mean it is normal.